Volunteer With Us
Connect Global is a growing organization that requires lots to be accomplished at any given time.
We are constantly in need of individuals to give their skills and talents with us so we can help more people around the world.
Help Connect Global Meet our Goals by Volunteering your time and skills
We are looking for people who have the following skills & interests;
Website Copy Editing
The process of reviewing and rewriting the words and language used on our website and across other web and social platforms. Website copy editing focuses on eliminating errors, improving clarity and readability, and editing language so it's suitable for the Connect Global online audience.
Social Media Creation
A social media content creator is a person responsible for creating and uploading content to Connect Global social media platforms. They may create this content for specific projects or to help tell the story of our programs. They ultimately will be able to provide creative ways in which to share the Connect Global mission and vision
Prayer Team
Prayer is essential to the work we do and to the foundation of who we are. If you have a heart for people and love to pray we invite you to join us and give your time to pray with us for our community. Text ‘Prayer Team’ to (844) 397-4679 and we will add you to the team.
Writing for our News and Blog Sections
Connect Global is hard at work making a difference in the world and we are always in need of help writing our stories. You will help us by writing about and documenting our success and impact on the field. We want strong writers to help us make sure that our stories reach our audience and beyond.

We are so grateful for each and everyone of our Volunteers. We truly could not do what we do without YOU!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
— Helen Keller
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead