Maternal Healthcare
She is Strong. She is Compassionate. She is Loved. She is A Mother.
Providing quality care with dignity, and compassion.
New and Expectant Mothers who were displaced while they waited for beds to open up before delivery, were given no room to recover post delivery.
The Regional Hospital of Atlantida in the city of La Ceiba serves an area of over 700k people. With only 200 beds, the staff serves over 76k patients each year. Around 5500 of these patients are new baby deliveries.
With such a great demand placed on their facilities mothers at times had to endure undignified and unsafe conditions while in recovery and while their newborns were in the NICU
Moms historically were placed outside the maternity wing before and after delivery to save beds for women only during the actual delivery process. Women would sleep on makeshift pallets on the floors or benches that line the open air hallways outside the delivery wing.
This of course is uncomfortable, dangerous, and would leave the moms susceptible to germs, and outdoor afflictions such as Zika, and Malaria.
Mothers from across Honduras receive care, dignity, and respect from our Connect Global outreach teams.
Over 2150 Mothers from across the northern coast of Honduras, the bay islands, and many underserved communities experienced a safe and clean Maternity Home. These mothers received pre and postnatal care from a knowledgeable and compassionate team operated by Connect Global.
The Maternity Home was opened on September 11, 2019. Our team operated within the home from September 2019 until September 2023 when we transitioned the operational responsibility back to the regional Hospital in Atlantida. During our tenure Connect Global has served 2,219 mothers at the Maternity Home in La Ceiba, Honduras and through our ongoing efforts to care for mothers around the world.
It is great to see the community jump in and serve and give to this ministry.
Please consider making a monthly donation to help us continue our ministry to precious mothers and their newborns.
“Some problems only exist because no one has stepped up to address the issue.”
— Javier Mendoza
Connect Global Maternal Healthcare Outreach
The Connect Global team compassionately restores dignity, safety, and peace of mind where it is needed most.
Connect Global recognized the issue of mothers having to sleep on the floor during their hospital stay while giving birth and took action.
While Connect Global has long invested in families across the nation of Honduras we were honored to take the opportunity to operate a full team of paid mothers who worked in shifts to be available to mothers 24/7. Connect Global maintained and operated our outreach program within this facility from September 11, 2019 until September 2023. The facility featured 24 beds, a kitchen, and bathroom amenities exclusively for the mothers. While under our care it was a place women could find solace and recover while their children received specialized care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
The Maternity Home has been a collaborative effort between Connect Global staff, local volunteers, and supporters.
We are committed to offering a secure and warm environment for new mothers. Furthermore, this ministry presents a unique opportunity to share the message of Jesus Christ with these mothers and their newborns, which we consider a profoundly meaningful aspect of our work.
Here at Connect Global, we have intentionally deepened our relationships and partnerships in Honduras over the years.
We have worked to create a Maternal Healthcare Outreach Program at the Hospital for these mothers. We partner with the hospital administration, local business owners, and local churches to ensure the best ongoing care in this home. Our plan is to share the outreach cost responsibilities with these local partners as well as others who see the value in caring for these moms. Connect Global will continue to invest in mothers, their children, and families across Honduras and around the world.
Yes, it takes a lot of work, time, and money but these moms, and the future sons and daughters of Honduras are worth it.
Connect Global founder, Danielle Mendoza with Blanca and Anyel
Volunteers from Maria Regina University in La Ceiba serving Connect Global team at the Maternity Home.
Señora Waldina Canizales (Left) with Connect Global Maternity Home Director, Janeth Montoya (right) receiving donated gifts for the mothers.
Connect Global Maternity Home
It is great to see the community jump in and serve and give towards this life-saving ministry.
Please consider making a monthly donation to help us maintain and operate this ministry for these precious mothers.